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  • Writer's pictureDiane Mezzanotte

Ruth Walls is First Laurel Light Award Recipient

Ruth Walls accepts inaugural Voices of Laurel Laurel Light Award from Laurel History Boys board members Richard Friend, Kevin Leonard, Diane Mezzanotte, Angie Kozlowski, Jeff Krulik, and Pete Lewnes at Oliver's Old Towne Tavern on Main Street on March 30, 2024.
Laurel History Boys board members Richard Friend, Kevin Leonard, Diane Mezzanotte, Angie Kozlowski, Jeff Krulik, and Pete Lewnes presented Ruth Walls (holding award) with the inaugural Voices of Laurel Laurel Light Award on March 30, 2024 for her immeasurable contributions to the Laurel community. Two more awards will be issued this year (coinciding with our Summer and Fall editions) before becoming annual.

The Voices of Laurel team is pleased to announce that Ruth Walls is the first recipient of our quarterly “Laurel Light” award, created to recognize Laurel citizens (Laurelites) who make our community a better place by shining their light on it.

If you’re a Laurel resident, you probably know Ruth Walls. Or, maybe you don’t—which is the way she would prefer it. One of the people who nominated her noted that Ruth would likely be “horrified” to get public recognition; another nomination said that Ruth is “humble enough to deny that she is great.” A longtime Old Town resident and a nurse by profession, Ruth has become known as a tireless advocate for community members who “fall through the gaps of the system” and face harsh realities such as homelessness, addiction, or food insecurity, to name just a few. Her nonprofit organization, the Patrons for Peace Project, Inc., has helped numerous individuals by stepping them through the application process for social security benefits, driving them to doctors’ appointments, modifying their homes to be wheelchair-accessible, and so much more.

“Ruth is constantly on the phone assisting people,” said one nomination. Another cited her ability to find “creative, out-of-the-box solutions” for those in complicated situations and adds that Ruth is called upon frequently to help out, having become known throughout Laurel for her commitment to the health and welfare of its residents. “She will go to any extreme to advocate for those in need within the greater Laurel community.” In the last few years, Ruth spoke several times at City Council meetings, testifying to the need for legislated rent stabilization, unionization rights for City workers, and the creation of a no-kill animal shelter to serve Laurel.

Upon learning of her selection for the award, Ruth responded: “While I am very honored to be selected for this recognition, it is important for everyone to know that this award should be shared with the many people and organizations who make my mission possible. I am hesitant to compile a list for fear I would leave someone out accidentally, and some individuals prefer to remain anonymous. Often, there are many moving parts in situations in which Patrons for Peace Project, Inc. gets involved. So please know that this is not a one-woman show! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the help, support, professional opinions, referrals, discounts, and donations of time, talent, and financial assistance. Without it my mission would not be possible. You know who you are....”

Congratulations, Ruth, and thank you for serving as a true beacon of light for the Laurel community.

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